Thursday 2 February 2017

mathematics importance and uses

Mathematics: Meaning, Importance and Uses

Introduction: Mathematics is an indispensable subject of study. It plays an important role in forming the basis of all other sciences which deal with the material substance of space and time.

What is the meaning of Mathematics?

Mathematics may be described as the fundamental science. It is that branch of science that uses numbers and symbols. Numbers and symbols are arranged using systematic mathematical rules.

Mathematics may be broadly described as the science of space, time, measurement, quantities, shapes and numbers and their relationships with each other.

The study of mathematics is based on reasons. The universe exists in space and time, and is constituted of units of matter. To calculate the extension or composition of matter in space and time and to compute the units that make up the total mass of the material universe is the object of Mathematics. For the space-time quantum is everywhere full of matter and we have to know matter mathematically in the first instance.

Pure Mathematics vs. Applied Mathematics: Mathematics can be pure, i.e., the branch of science that deals that focuses on abstract concepts.

Pure mathematics is mainly concerned with concepts that are based on the rules of mathematics. Pure Mathematicians chiefly deal with establishing mathematical proofs. These concepts are not necessarily aimed at meeting the needs of the physical world.

Applied mathematics, on the other hand, is that branch of Mathematics that is applied to other branches such as chemistry, physics, chemistry, etc. It relies on a problem-solving approach. It tries to find a practical solutions to solve the day-to-day problems of life.

In practical world, pure mathematics and applied mathematics overlap each other. The concepts of pure mathematics are often used by applied mathematicians to find out practical solutions.

Importance of Mathematics

Knowledge of Mathematics is necessary for the study of the physical sciences.Computation and calculation are the basis of all studies that deal with matter in any form.Even the physician who has to study biological cells and bacilli need to have the knowledge of Mathematics, if he means to cut the margin of error which alone can make his diagnosis dependable.To the mechanic and the engineer it is a constant guide and help, and without exact knowledge of Mathematics, they cannot proceed one step in coming to grips with any complicated problem.Be it the airplane or the atom bomb, radio-communication or nuclear power, anything that has to do with anything concerning matter in any form, the knowledge of the principles of Mathematics is the one thing absolutely necessary.Mathematical calculations form an important role in architectural activities. Precise calculation are made while planning for the development of a new townships, buildings, bridges, etc.An elementary knowledge of the simplest branch of Mathematics, arithmetic, is the daily need of every man and woman in the ordinary affairs of life.

Intellectual Value of Mathematics

Mathematics has a most important bearing on the intellect as such. Study of Mathematics promotes habits of accuracy and exactitude, and prevents a man from being careless and slipshod.

It sharpens the reasoning powers of a man and increases his mental alertness.

On the whole a mathematically minded man is usually more dependable than one who is otherwise disposed. That is why the study of some Mathematics is compulsory up to the secondary stage of all education systems, and its habit has to be sedulously fostered.

Uses of Mathematics

Mathematics is very useful in our day-to-day life. It help us perform many of our tasks.

With basic mathematical skills, we can keep record of our day-to-day expenses.We can make budgets and preplan our expenditures. Budgeting is an important took to keep control over finances, especially expenditure.We can forecast sales and profit by applying mathematical tools.  Hence, it facilitates us to do business in an efficient way.We become more systematic in our approach while dealing with others.Mathematics facilitates business transactions. The value of purchases and sales are recorded using the principles of mathematics.Develop problem solving approach.Cooking: We need exact measure of vegetables, spices, flour, etc. while cooking food.A carpenter accurately measures the length and breadth of the wood and ply-board while making furniture.Basic mathematical calculations helps train and develop a child’s mind.


In the modern age, the intensely abstract nature of pure Mathematics has brought the science nearer to philosophy. Knowledge of Mathematics is indispensable both for the public person in the street as well as for scientists and philosophers.

Reference: important

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