Monday 3 April 2017

facts about torus

Torus Facts
Notice these interesting things:
Torus Radii
  • It can be made by revolving a
    small circle (radius r) along a line made
    by a bigger circle (radius R).
  • It has no edges or vertices
  • It is not a polyhedron
torus in the sky
Torus in the Sky
The Torus is such a beautiful solid,
this one would be fun at the beach !

Surface Area

Torus Radii
Surface Area = 4 × π2 × R × r

Example: r = 3 and R = 7

Surface Area = 4 × π2 × R × r
= 4 × π2 × 7 × 3
= 4 × π2 × 21
= 84 × π2
≈ 829


Volume = 2 × π2 × R × r2
3 d shapes cube3 d shapes cube

Example: r = 3 and R = 7

Volume = 2 × π2 × R × r2
= 2 × π2 × 7 × 32
= 2 × π2 × 7 × 9
= 126 π2
≈ 1244

Note: Area and volume formulas only work when the torus has a hole!

Torus Cushion Illustration
And did you know that Torus was the Latin word for a cushion? (This is not a real roman cushion, just an illustration I made)
When we have more than one torus they are called tori
As the small radius (r) gets larger and larger, the torus goes from looking like a Tire to a Donut:
Torus TireTorus Donut

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